While thinking of my next vector project, I was wondering that maybe it is the same of building a business or maybe having a business already. Maybe you’ll ask, what is the connection? What are the similarities of the art and the business?
For the entire artist that has made a Vector/Vexel art may know that first timers will have somehow a hard time to make one. So one similarity is it’s hard for the starters to make a business to boom at the start, maybe some lucky and talented persons can but some may not. Another similarity is time. The more effort you put to make the art the more you’ll make it more detailed and nice, and the more you detail the art the more you invest your time on it. So it’s more likely a business right? The more time you put on the more you’ll get, and the more effort you put on it requires investing more time. Another one is the color of the art; it will still be nice and beautiful even if the colors are more than 2 or just in grayscale. So in any way you want to earn you have many ways to do so, but in a good way as I can say.
It’s just that somehow business is an art that can be similar to any art that you can make. Enjoy being an artist :)